ISBN: 9780882700236
The keys of the kingdom prayer principles in Matthew 16:19 give all born-again Christians power to free themselves from the bondages of traumatic memories, guilt, deceptions, soul ties, and strongholds. Beyond Shattered Strongholds explains how learning to make your soul cooperate with God's healing power is only the beginning. The next level is to step out of self and onto the world's fields to produce fruit for the kingdom of God.
This book has step-by-step guidelines that will help you to focus upon your eternal purpose upon earth.
Reverend Liberty S. Savard, President of LSM, is an ordained minister with credentials from the Evangelical Church Alliance (PO Box 9, Bradley, Illinois 60915). She has been on staff at several Northern California churches, and she is the West Coast Field Editor for Bridge-Logos Publishing. Her three books, Shattering Your Strongholds, Breaking the Power, and Producing the Promise: the "Keys of the Kingdom Trilogy," have been consistent best-sellers since they were published. Liberty has also written eleven other books.
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