ISBN: 9780882709697

Originally published in 1973, The Day the Dollar Dies was considered by some to be prophetic, and to many an impossibility. Over forty years later, however, it reads like today’s headlines and digs deeply into the heart of today’s financial crisis around the world.

Updated with new information that helps the reader see the financial storm that began developing over 35 years ago, and understand what is behind the collapsing financial system and what lies ahead for America and the world. This book reveals behind-the-scenes information that is based on careful research.

Caution: The Day the Dollar Dies will profoundly affect the way you feel about the future of world economy.

Willard Cantelon (1916 - 1999) was well recognized for his three books on global economics, The Day the Dollar Dies, New Money or None, and Money Master of the World, all published by Logos International, which became Bridge-Logos. He also spent years of lecturing at civic, university, and church gatherings. Cantelon's works were dominated by a fascination with the ancient biblical prophets, and conviction that their premonitory writings illuminated the dilemmas and crises of the modern age. Instead, however, of conjectured gloom, he foresaw, in these ancient texts an epoch foretold of world unity and peace, which is a prophetic worldview substantiated by both theological and historical criticism. This passionate vision permeated all of Cantelon's published and spoken work.




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